About us

Company Introduction

Newsfeed Media is your guaranteed One Stop Solution To Branding And Marketing Your Product, Services And Businesses be it through our various offline or digital platforms. With more than ten successful years of experience in the media industry, you can also count on Newsfeed Media to cater to all your event management needs.

A certified media agency registered under the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) and Ministry of Finance (MOF), we are proud to say Newsfeed Media dares to think outside the confined advertising box in order to create an impactful campaign for our clients.

Each of us here at Newsfeed Media are specialists in our field, having been in the industry for many years. We enjoy the challenges given by our clients and strive to do things differently because we understand our clients wants and needs.

That is why you can count on nothing but eager smiles from our entire collective team who are passionate about what they do and it reflects in our results and list of happy clients.

So, how may we help you today?

Get in touch

Managing Director and CEO Speech    

Managing Director and CEO Speech              


Here at Newsfeed Media, we provide you a total 360 when it comes to advertising, all the way from catchy outdoor billboards, television commercials, on-air sponsorships, print news and magazines to addictive jingles to ensure your message reaches the right customer at the right time.


We are no doubt in a challenging era, and as business owners ourselves, we understand that everyone is competing in order to remain relevant in their game. But with a very limited marketing budget, how can you ensure your brand is still relevant?


Mind you, even if you have an unlimited budget to spend on different layers of marketing, this does not necessarily mean the message will reach the correct customer at the end. Trust me, we have spent many years in the media scene — one does not require a huge budget to market their brand.


Leave it to us. Here at Newsfeed Media, we will use our collective decades of years of experience and expertise to seek out and negotiate every premium advertising platform.


100 Top young CEO 2020 -in media & advertising industry